Friday, July 16, 2010

Tour of the Transition Campus

I hope you have not been too impatient waiting for an update regarding the progress at the transition campus. Thursday, July 15, the team leaders and PTA officers took a tour. We videoed the whole tour. You will have to hang on a bit longer as I can't get the video to's too long!! We walked around for about 40 minutes with lots of stopping to ask questions, measure and to figure out where we were. I'll continue to work on it and may even have to break it into a few shorter versions.

Here are the basic details as of today:

1. Some of our things are already moved over and are in our half of the cafeteria at WAIS.
2. Big move dates are August 2 and 3.
3. The construction fence at MWE should go up on those same dates and things will start to get busy around MWE.
4. Classrooms at the transition campus are surprisingly big, have lots of plugs (yeah), have 2 windows that can open with screens and are carpeted. Each classroom has one 4' x 4' bulletin board and one 8' x 4' bulletin board. Those are on the wall with the cabinets. Another wall has two large magnetic white boards and the ACTIVboard. Rooms without ACTIVboards (PK, Kinder, music, resource) have a flat screen TV in the spot where the ACTIVboard goes to be able to watch KMWE and other things. The third wall has a 16' magnetic white board. The fourth wall has the two windows and door. You can see all this in the video - if I ever figure out how to load it.
5. The bathrooms for the kids and the ones for the teachers are very nice - bigger and fancier than we are used to!
6. The gym is HH..UU..GG..EE!! It is getting new paint, cleaned up floor, and a general facelift to look new for us.
7. The cafeteria is also big and roomy. Plenty of room to spread out in.

They will be working there over the weekend and late days to get ready in time for our move. It looks really messy but we are not worried about the timeline at this point. Keep your fingers crossed!!

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